Meet Jess and Emer, Irish Registered Dietitians working in a weight inclusive approach supporting men and women to work towards a healthy, happy pregnancy.

With over 20 years combined clinical experience we have developed this course to support you to

  • Feel confident in your food choices
  • Optimise your nutrition and lifestyle to prepare for pregnancy
  • Nurture your relationship with food
  • Remove all the fear and uncertainty around diet and lifestyle
  • Build your confidence and move towards body acceptance
  • Cultivate a support network to guide you though your fertility journey
  • Learn lifelong skills to support your relationship with food

This course is perfect for you if you are:

  • Already trying to get pregnant (naturally or assisted)
  • Are planning to freeze your eggs in the near future
  • Are moving towards fertility treatment
  • Want expert fertility dietitian advice that you can access in your own time
  • Do not want one to one support or have the time to schedule in appointments
  • Want a holistic approach to support not only your body but also your mind life long
  • Interested in male fertility health and how to support sperm health

Do you have some questions about Fertility Harmony?

What Fertility Harmony Attendees Have Said

''I would 100% recommend this course to friends and family (I have already)! When was stating my fertility journey a year ago I wish I had access to this course. It is such a daunting journey, there are so many mixed messages out there, it's hard to know what to believe. I feel like this course cuts out any nonsense and delivers information from experienced practitioners who are both knowledgeable and empathetic''. Áine, April 24

''I am so glad I signed up to Fertility Harmony. I have learnt so much on what I can improve on with my nutrition as well as with my partners. I have always struggled with food, I found the intuitive eating, breathwork and body kindness modules so beneficial. I brought my partner to the men's session and he learnt a lot. We are both feeling a lot calmer on our fertility journey now''. Jennifer April 24

''I am planning to start trying to have a baby in the next year and with having PCOS, thought this might be challenging. I am really busy so found the option of being able to work through the course amazing and the check-ins really helped to keep me on track as well as gave me a chance to ask any questions. I feel so much more confident now in supporting myself in every aspect''. Lauren, April 24

Fertility Harmony Curriculum

  Welcome to Fertility Harmony
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Smart Eating For Fertility Health
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lifestyle & Fertility
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Clinical Conditions Affecting Fertility
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Ovulation & Menstrual Cycle
Available in days
days after you enroll
  For Him - Fertility Health in Men
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Nurturing Your Relationship With Food
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Body Respect
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Breath work Session With Yvonne Doherty
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Blood work - What Is It And What Do I Need To Get Checked?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Tying It All Together
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Q&A's Live Session
Available in days
days after you enroll

I Want To Join

How Can A Fertility Dietitian Help You In Reaching Your Goals?

Check out Jess's article on how we can support you on your fertility journey.

Let's Go!